Getting to know your students on a more personal level during a trip is a marvellous way to build a report with them that you will benefit from for a long time afterwards. Kids who have a personal connection with a teacher are a lot more participatory and motivated in class. Their behaviour in general improves, as they suddenly feel more connected to the teacher.

Travel makes one modest. We travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us. The use of travelling is to regulate imagination with reality and instead of thinking of how things may be, we see them how they are.

The school hopes to give insight to the children through the following :
  • Day picnics/outings are organized throughout the year.
  • All students are expected to go for the excursions.
  • Teachers accompany the groups.
  • The school organizes outstation excursions once a year for classes V-XII after the final examinations.
  • Class V visits a nearby place of interest and classes VI-XII visit National Parks, places of cultural and historical importance, camping sites for adventure activities and destinations mindful of students' choices.
  • A lot of focus is given on Adventure Trips.
  • Trips to foreign countries are also offered to student during the vacation.
best 10 schools in bhopal