Assembly by Grade V-F 

Date of Upload: 2024-07-24

‘Our actions are our future, Waste less and feed more’.

Food is the essence of life and the bedrock of our cultures and communities. The students of Grade 5F conducted an assembly focusing on the significant global issue of Zero Hunger, one of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The assembly aimed to educate students about the importance of ending hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture. The students explained various causes of hunger, including poverty, conflict, climate change, and poor agricultural practices. The efforts being made globally to achieve Zero Hunger by undertaking initiatives such as sustainable agriculture, food aid, education, and economic growth was also highlighted during the assembly. Students also portrayed how communities can come together to address Zero Hunger and ensure that everyone has access to nutritious food. Simple tips to reduce food wastage which included turning waste into compost, checking the expiry dates of food items, avoid over shopping etc was shared by the students.  As a powerful closing to the assembly, the students performed a dance  "We Are the World, We Are the Children", a song known for its message of unity and helping those in need. The performance was vibrant and uplifting, symbolizing hope and the collective effort required to combat hunger. The students' enthusiasm and coordination left a lasting impression on the audience, reinforcing the assembly's message. It was a valuable educational experience, fostering a sense of global citizenship and responsibility among the students.

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Sanskaar valley
Sanskaar valley