Best out of waste competition 

Date of Upload: 2024-07-22

The Best Out of Waste competition, held on the 19th of July, was a remarkable event showcasing the creativity and resourcefulness of students from grades 6 to 8. Each grade was tasked with transforming waste materials into beautiful and functional items, adhering to specific themes.

Grade 6: The theme for grade 6 was creating items from newspaper and magazine rolls. The students displayed an impressive range of creations, including decorative bowls, picture frames, and even small pieces of furniture. Their ability to turn simple paper into such intricate designs was truly commendable.

Grade 7: Students in grade 7 worked with various types of boxes, such as shoe boxes and sweet boxes. The entries included storage solutions, miniature houses, and decorative organizers. The creativity in repurposing these everyday items into useful and aesthetically pleasing objects was outstanding.

Grade 8: Grade 8 students took on the challenge of working with tin cans. Their projects ranged from plant holders and lanterns to innovative art pieces. The students' skill in cutting, painting, and assembling the cans into functional items demonstrated a high level of craftsmanship and ingenuity.

The Best Out of Waste competition was a resounding success, highlighting the potential of young minds to turn waste into wonder. The students' creativity, combined with their commitment to sustainability, made for an inspiring event. Congratulations to all participants for their hard work and innovative spirit!

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