Grade VI- Class Elections 

Date of Upload: 2024-04-30

"Every election is determined by the people who show up." - Larry J. Sabato

Grade 4 students recently got introduced to the Civics theme of their Social Studies curriculum. The chapter ‘Understanding Civics’ introduced them to various new concepts like good citizenship, civic sense, fundamental rights & duties and elections.

Looking at the current wave of General Elections across the country, a Class Elections activity was conducted for helping the students to understand the vital aspects of elections. Every class was divided into three political parties and each party chose a respective leader for being its voice. Students coined fascinating names for their party and made colourful posters and badges for all the party members. Further, students campaigned for their party in the dining hall followed by speech of the party leaders in front of the class. And finally, the students took part in voting through ballot papers and EVM machine pattern which helped them to learn about both old and new methods of contesting elections in India. 

Class elections served as a fundamental aspect for students which taught them how to exercise their democratic rights, develop leadership skills, and actively participate in the governance of their community. This activity served the purpose of shaping the inner citizen of our students which will help them to exercise their democratic rights and duties in coming future. Democracy is the core ideal of Round Square and our school is a member of Round Square. 

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