House Meeting – Pravir House 

Date of Upload: 2024-03-16

The Pravir House meeting began with a warm welcome extended to the new members of the House. Gitya Gupta, Class XII, took charge of breaking the ice by organizing an engaging activity, which helped the newcomers feel comfortable and welcomed by the group.

Following the icebreaker, Anjana ma'am orchestrated a fun Chinese whisper game, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all the students present. This activity not only brought laughter and camaraderie but also fostered a sense of unity among the House members.

Additionally, the meeting served as a platform to finalize the list of participants for the upcoming ballooning competition. The enthusiasm and participation levels were commendable, reflecting the House's vibrant spirit and eagerness to excel.

Furthermore, names were collected for the duet singing competition, indicating a diverse range of talents and interests within the House.

Overall, the March 13 House meeting was marked by a sense of inclusivity, teamwork, and enthusiasm, setting a positive tone for future engagements and events.


Warm Regards

Idul Ali

House Coordinator