History Lab Online Session hosted by St. Paul’s School Hong Kong 

Date of Upload: 2023-12-14

 The Sanskaar Valley School was an active participant in the History Lab Online Session hosted by St. Paul’s School Hong Kong on 7thDecember 2023. The session aimed to explore and dissect the impacts and historical significance of the Cold War era. With students from various schools worldwide, the event facilitated discussions on pivotal aspects of this global historical period.

Comprising six members Mahikaa Patel, Tessa Rose, Samira Uppal, Divanshi Vaswani, and Subhav Panda from Grade 9 and Abhijwal Sharma from Grade 11 brought diverse expertise and viewpoints to the table, significantly contributing to the success of the webinar. Their collective efforts and individual inputs played a crucial role in enhancing discussions and fostering a comprehensive understanding of the Cold War's dynamics, including its implications on India.

The team conducted extensive research on nuanced aspects of the Cold War, ranging from geopolitical tensions to ideological conflicts, economic impacts, and technological advancements. Their diligent research not only enriched discussions but also added factual depth to the webinar's content.

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