Assembly By Grade IV-B 

Date of Upload: 2023-08-01

The students of 4B conducted a mesmerizing assembly on the topic- Justice with an attempt to impart the message that each individual should strive to be an agent of justice, creating a world where every voice is heard, every life is valued and every person is treated with dignity. 

The assembly commenced with the school song which was followed by the morning prayer seeking the blessings of the Almighty, after which the budding news anchors of the Children’s newsroom read out the latest national, international, sports and Prangan news. 

Next, the students presented an English drama on the story “The wacky courtroom of Sillyville” which imparted the virtue of embracing justice with equality and compassion. Subsequently, the students performed a candle dance on the song “Light your own candle” which left the audience spellbound. Lastly , the assembly concluded with the thought for the day and expression of gratitude by the students. 

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